Monday, May 26, 2014

Turning Off My Brain...

So, it’s been a while since I’ve written… I used to write of the challenges I faced training for half and full marathons. When I took a hiatus from those, I figured I had nothing to write about. Turns out there is always something to write about, it just depends on how much of yourself you want to share. Marathon training for me was hard and therefore easy to write about. It didn’t seem personal, but it was. Sharing the things that cause you great challenge is personal, regardless of what “thing” it is!

I’m inspired to write about this weekend.
The one for which I turned off my brain.
For three days!

What happens when you turn off your brain?
Well first of all, you sleep.
A lot.
Full nights. Interrupted only by squirrels and birds.
It’s true!
You have vivid dreams.
You wake feeling good.
Really good.

You say “yes” a lot.
“Wanna go… yes!”
You have fun!
You laugh!
You roll with the punches.

Your body responds.
Muscles that are locked tight start to give.
It’s actually weird and somewhat painful to feel a series of knots unravel.
But so worth it!

You eat.
Right and wrong.
To this your body also responds.
That’s not quite so good ;oP

You realize that everything that was important to you on Friday is still important.
And it still survived.
Even though you didn’t exhaust yourself to make it happen.

Tomorrow is the return to reality.
Except I’m going to remind my brain every day that really, my life is full of “get to’s, ” not “have to’s.”

I get to work out with a trainer that has far too much patience for me.
I get to have lunch with my mom and take her shopping.
I get to go a job where I get to work hard and I get to laugh and I get to test my patience.
Okay that last one is really hard. Really really hard.
That’s another post for another time…

For now, I’m going to go back to not braining for a few last weekend hours!!
You should try it…

Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Update!

Well, it seems I’m over due for an update here! I’ve been very much feeling like there isn’t much to write about, no amazing number of pounds or inches vanished. Just plugging away. Day in. Day out. Plus, Google and I are in disagreement about my password again, so I’ve had issues getting here to write!

Today is officially 4 weeks since I first met this amazing group. Our day one class of 24 people has widdled down to 10-12. My heart aches for those that shelved their goals once again, but I am inspired by those who have stuck around. Some are really struggling, but they keep coming back, keep making an effort. It’s a beautiful sight. Plus, the smaller class size gives us a very nice ratio of trainer-per-workoutee (my blog, my made up words)!

I have gotten the opportunity to work out with each of the trainers. Wow! Each has their own style. Each very effective. The one I’ve spent the most time with (who I may or may not have called a jerk at one point in time) is brutal. And loud. His wife, she’s so quiet. So supportive. So slyly brutal. The third trainer left a little room for ME to make sure I was pushing MYSELF hard enough. It was really inspiring to see what I could do on my own.

The nutrition plan and I are doing quite well together. I am constantly conflicted as to whether or not to tell people it’s easy or hard to follow. The trainers gave us a very specific equation to follow and started us out with examples of options for foods and meals. From there it took time (i.e. hours of wandering aimlessly around Walmart reading labels) to determine what I liked to eat that would fit into the equation. My foods for the past 4 weeks have been very consistent. I am starting to play with variety a little bit, adding a thing or two each week. I don’t always get everything quite right, but I definitely get an A for effort!

Now, where it gets hard is that I’ve given up EVERYTHING I loved to eat. Every delicious, mouth watering bite of high calorie, high sodium junk, gone! Not one splurge. I’ve been VERY fortunate in that the cravings for these foods have almost been nonexistent. Just this past week I have really developed a hankering for one thing. One thing that, in one “meal,” greatly exceeds my calorie and sodium content for the entire day. I’m not falling for it! If I still want it in six months, I can have it then. Today, I have work to do!

My biggest struggle right now is sleep. Before I got accepted into this class, I volunteered to work graveyards for six weeks so that I would have a chance to develop a routine of exercise and eating. The first four weeks were hard, but doable; these last two have been absolute hell! My body is done with these sleeping during the day shenanigans. I’m sleeping very little and in a constant state of tiredness/near exhaustion. I am falling behind on my work outs and my body isn’t getting the rest it needs to recover properly from the exercise I do get in. It’s just been hell.

That being said, it is absolutely amazing that this class came along when it did. I feel like this opportunity was dropped in my lap at the exact moment I needed it. Had I been on day shift, I would have never been able to attend the classes. I had a goal of developing a routine and this class has given me a solid foundation that I believe I will be able to work with when I return to the daylight next week!

I do have some lingering anxieties going on… You see, I’ve eaten only foods that have been prepared in my own kitchen, by my own two hands for 4 weeks now! Next week is my first meal out! A friend’s birthday! Reservations were made in February! I’ve deliberately stuck to the nutrition plan 98% of the time for weeks so that I could enjoy this meal with my friends. I know I will make better choices than I ever did dining out in the past! Still, I’ve created a comfort zone and this is WAAAAAYYY outside of it!

In addition, I have a two day trip planned that involves air travel. This means no liquid protein shakes. I’m pretty sure the containers of white powder I carry around with me at all times now would create quite a stir with the TSA as well. I’ve talked with the girls I am traveling with and they are so incredibly supportive! They know that we will need to hit a market pretty early upon arrival so I can get whatever foods I was unable to travel with. Love them!

Okay, so I guess I did have a lot to write about! The one thing I haven’t really discussed is results. I’m uncertain how I want to go about presenting them here. My numerical results to date are good. They could be better. I am a typical American Female – I want what I want and I want it now! This means, when I step on the scale, I’m not satisfied with the results. I know this will take time. I also know that I could work harder. So that’s my new goal once I’m done with graveyards. Sleep at night. Work harder during the day. I really want to fit into that new pair of jeans sitting on the dresser calling my name. I am so close…


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thank You!!

Wow! The support I have received from y’all is just mind blowing! Thanks to each and every one of you!

Friends have asked how they can help. They have sent encouraging texts, especially on tough days! My Mom texted to wish me luck, which totally made my day! Then she followed it up with “um, you were supposed to do such-n-such for me…” Oops! Sorry Mom! Don’t worry, I forgot I was supposed to watch some children too… we’re trying to teach them to be self-sufficient, right?!?! (Just kidding! Sheesh! I got a reminder just in the nick of time! Everyone’s being tended too!)

I’ve gotten emails too! It turns out I have a friend who is working out with the same trainers on her own. She feels my pain! In every way! Last May, sweet friend showed up on my marathon course with her bebe’s and a BIG sign cheering me on! Thank you friend! Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Thank YOU!

With autumn on our doorstep, everyone is firing up their crock pots to make warm, comforting soups. One of my dearest friends called me up to ask what guidelines she should follow so I could enjoy some yummy soup too! We read labels and talked about what my nutrition concerns are. We went our own ways and I got this text a short time later: “Ugh. Sodium. It’s everywhere!!”  I had to giggle. It really is. She recorded everything so I could include the details in my food journal!  Wow! Talk about above and beyond! I can’t wait to try the soup!! Thank You Dear Friend! 

Two weeks down. Many more to go. I am so grateful for all of you! You are amazing!

Thank You!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Milestones & Fears

So I had planned to write about fears, but man I am just having a rough day! I woke up feeling crummy, the scale and I had a serious difference of opinion, and I just ate a protein bar that I’m quite certain contained rubber cement. So I really need to think positive for a bit. I’m gonna share with you the milestones I’m looking forward to! There is just a handful and they are a bit spread out, but here we go…

#1 – A number I’ve never seen! When I was gaining weight, I never looked at the scale, ever. So there is a large chunk of numbers I never saw. During my prior attempts to lose weight, I did get just a bit below what I am now, so the number below that is my “number I’ve never seen”! It’s not far off! I’m eager to get there!

#2 – Overweight. I’m looking forward to saying I am overweight, not obese. It’s quite a few pounds away. I can do it!

#3 – One hundreds. The day my weight starts with a 1 again, the entire county will hear about it!!!

#4 – Normal Weight. I’ve had a number in my head for years. It’s the very top of the “normal” category. That’s my goal. I may find that I need to do some fine tuning when I get to that point. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there!

Okay, fears… I have 3 main fears right now.
#1 – Losing friend time. I’m afraid people won’t call to “go do…” because it involves food or drinks. I want my friends to know, I’m being fed properly, I am not hungry. I can still go and socialize and not feel temptation. I promise you that nothing on the plate in front of you looks near as good as the scale does when it reveals that new smaller number! I want my friends to know that my food and beverage options will expand as time goes on. I want my friends to continue with life as normal and I will modify it to fit me! Let’s play!

#2 – Cheese. I love cheese. I have given up SO many things. I have not given up cheese. I have accepted “low-fat / low-sodium” cheese. I have switched to Weight Watchers brand cheese and only allow myself 1/8th of a cup at a meal. I’m having my cheese dammit. I’m afraid the trainer will notice it is part of almost every meal and tell me we have to part ways. I’m afraid that might be the end of the trainer. Take my fast food. Take my coffee. Take my desserts. Just don’t move my cheese!!
#3 – Plateau. Oh I am so very afraid of that plateau that will come some day. Heck, the scale showed no change this morning and I was panicked! It’s too soon! I can’t plateau yet. I know, no change means there was also no gain, so it’s still a win, but man I need to lose!!
Well, that’s all I’ve got for today! I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the trainers and the rest of the gang again tonight! I’m so grateful for them all!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Whole New Adventure!!!

Well hey there! I hope you have a fresh cup of coffee, because this is a long one :)

I’ve embarked on a new adventure. Totally different than anything I’ve attempted before. It’s pretty awesome and very difficult, but so worth it! I’m saving my own life. With some help from my friends, of course!

Let me explain. I am overweight. Actually, I am obese. It doesn’t matter how many BMI calculators I try, they all come back with the same answer: FIX IT! NOW! So I am. I have been so incredibly fortunate to get the opportunity to join a program that is helping approximately 35-40 people save their own lives. Turn things around. Be proud of accomplishments. Hopefully someday fit into a jeans size not seen since high school (or before). I will talk more about the program once I have the trainer’s permission to write about it. I won’t give away their trade secrets though; you’ll have to visit them personally for those!!

Until then, I’ll break it down into a simple little recipe:
2 parts education
2 parts understanding
2 parts commitment
The trainers gave me 1 part of everything when I walked in the door. The other part is all up to me.

It’s been interesting thus far! After the first meeting, I headed into a whirlwind weekend of insanity. I was home for all of 10 hours over 3 days. This worked out to two 4 ½ hour naps and 2 showers. I didn’t even attempt to eat right. Everything I had learned weighed on me as I ordered crap to eat. I still ordered the crap. And ate it. The next two days I kinda tried. I ate only from my lunchbox, mostly, which did include specially made foods, but also crap.

My first food journal review didn’t go well. I didn’t even want to look at my trainer as he read it. He told me that my journal said I didn’t care. I tried to argue that. I lost. He made me say out loud, “I don’t care.” I LOATHE that phrase. Something may not apply to me, or I may not have an opinion, but you are taking the time to tell me, so it affects you and therefore, I do care. I do not say “I don’t care.”

I care, dammit. I’ll show you!

Two days later. My first temptation. A birthday BBQ. Burgers and brats and chips and dips and beer and cake and and and. I did it! Okay, my finger slipped into the frosting. Twice. I accounted for it! I kept busy the entire party prepping food and serving food and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and putting food away and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Everyone kinda hung out in the kitchen, so was really easy to chat and keep busy. It wasn’t until hours later that I realized how neurotic I must have appeared. Frantically cleaning. For three hours!

Then there is Walmart. I’m pretty sure they have about 4 hours of video of me wandering around reading labels. Putting things back. Reading more labels. Wandering aimlessly. Reading more labels. Again, I might possibly have appeared a little neurotic.

I hear you over there thinking “might”? “possibly”? “appeared”? Zip it! The trainers have taken away all my favorite foods; they’ve yet to touch my moderate sense of denial!
(Okay, okay, they didn’t take anything away; they merely strongly suggested I stop being an idiot. Okay, that’s my word not theirs. You get the picture).

Temptation number two came yesterday. My FAVORITE local pub. The BEST place to have a burger and some fries and just two beers (ask any cop, no one ever has more than two beers)! Oh and did I mention it was another birthday party? More cake! I did it! I ate before I arrived. I arrived fashionably late. I enjoyed talking with my friends. I did not deck the woman next to me who must have insisted I finish of her fries at least 5 times. She didn’t wear the cake she shoved in front of me either. It really was a successful evening all around!

I met with the trainers again tonight. It was amazing! It hurt! It was an emotionally charged evening. I called one of the trainers a jerk. Yes, I revert to elementary aged name calling when I’m not pleased. I paid for that little comment the rest of the night. It was fun!

Afterwards, I decided it was time to gut the pantry. Stuff had to go. I had two piles, garbage and food bank. In my brilliance, I tossed the garbage out in the garage to take out later. I failed to think about the expired pickles. In the glass jar. Oops! I still have the smell of pickle juice in my sinuses. Or perhaps I smell of pickle juice. Hmmm.

A short time later I nearly lost a plate of chicken to the dogs. Thank goodness they are black lab mixes and therefore a little slow on the uptake. A smarter dog would have feasted! If I told you it was the second near swiping of the night, you might think I was also part lab and also slow on the uptake. So I’ll leave that alone for now.

Do we look like chicken thieves??

To make me feel a bit better about this evening of self-induced chaos, I decided to wear one of my favorite jackets to work. This particular jacket lets me advertise my employers name across my boobs, which is always a plus, but also might possibly be mislabeled. I’m wearing a medium! With room to spare! I don’t wear a medium. Unless these jackets are designed for giants. It might be a giants’ medium. Who cares! It’s a medium!

Well, now you are all caught up! It’s been great talking to you! If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go see about changing the tags on all my clothes. One way or another :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Am A Marathoner!!!

This adventure started in a bar (where most important decisions are made) in February 2010. A couple of things had happened just prior to that night… I had started the Couch-to-5k program that I had been considering for a while. I had also found a friend from my childhood (thank you Facebook) that was an avid runner, more so than I knew at that point. So I mention to Brenda that I was doing the C25k program and she asked which 5k I was going to do. What? Actually do an event? Like with people? A beer or two later I had agreed to a 5k in Seattle in September. We had such a fun trip that when a Half Marathon in Portland in May was suggested, I was in! Silly me, I signed up for my second half before tackling my first. I recall commenting that I was doing things out of order – none of my friends tried to talk sense into me. Perhaps I should have talked things out with my non-runner friends :) I suffered a mental and emotional set back in my training for my third and I ended up sitting out that race. I swore I would never, ever pay a race fee and not finish the race again! So my actual third turned out to be in Seattle, the same day Brenda was doing her first full. Oh my, it was pouring rain the entire time! I was so excited to finish and shower and be back at the finish line for her I ran my heart out! I missed my PR by less than a minute, but considering all the hills in Seattle vs. no hills in Portland, I was ecstatic about my finish time!

Then came the decision to run my own first marathon! The fun and excitement of training with Brenda for hers was just too enticing! We discussed it for the entire month of December, agreeing that we would make the commitment right before midnight on New Year’s Eve. Armed with a strong beverage, I hit “submit” and I was going to be a Marathoner!

So the Friday before the marathon I was on cloud 9! I was excited and getting all my errands run and set out my race gear and fixed the lawn tractor and used the lawn tractor and and and… I realized I was overly excited when a friend told me meth was bad for me! Too funny! I went out with some friends to celebrate a birthday, with a glass of water, or four and was home in bed at a reasonable hour.

Saturday was not so fun. I woke under a very black cloud after having a reoccurring nightmare that was more vivid than ever. I was really bummed and laid back down and woke up again 2 minutes before I was supposed to meet some friends for a swim. I was even more bummed and now two hours behind to get everything done. I had to miss my friends and the pool in lieu of making a play list for the marathon, which of course took longer than planned. I had an appointment at noon, then went to packet pick up, and finally the park for Sophie’s birthday party. As the party wrapped up, anxiety set in. I had completed everything except sleeping and running. I had nothing else to think about. I just wanted to hurry up and go to bed already! Just as I crawled in bed (you know at the super late hour of 8pm) I got a text from a friend that she was at the hospital with her daughter and her first grandbaby was on the way! I went to sleep filled with excitement, and nerves, and excitement!

I woke at 12:17 am in a complete panic! I was certain they were going to name that baby Ezmerelda! It took over an hour and a half to fall back to sleep. I thought about every single thing on the planet, it seemed! Then came the crazy dream… I was an hour and a half late for the race, my cell phone was dead so I couldn’t tell Brenda, I forgot Body Glide and was desperately searching for some, and it turned out to be more of an adventure race than a marathon. I remember trying to climb a hill, on my stomach, actually scurrying along a rope on dirt, holding a hose in my left hand while my team mates were pouring water down it from the top of the hill… When the alarm clock went off I could not wait to get up and end that dream!

About a week before the marathon I had a complete and total meltdown and decided to switch to the early start with the walkers. This way I knew I would have enough time to complete the marathon without having to panic. With the early start, I wasn’t eligible to place (you know take 1st or 2nd) and I wouldn’t qualify for Boston. Gee – I think I can handle those penalties!

Up and at’em at 4:30 in the morning. Dress. Apply Body Glide. Eat yogart. Text Brenda about my crazy dream. She too had crazy dreams. We had a good laugh. I looked at the clock, 5:15, holy crap! Why am I still in my kitchen when I start in 15 minutes? I head out the door in a panic. Realistically I live like 2 minutes from the start line, so I was being quite silly. Brenda and Fenway came down to cheer me on! So sweet! I couldn’t remember the name I had thought they were going to name the baby. About mile 4 it came to me and I texted Brenda just the name. She laughed knowing exactly what it meant! I had fully intended to dedicate miles to people and I did to an extent, but things got fuzzy and some people got extra miles and some people shared miles and the like. It all worked out in the end. Mile 1 was for Mom and Dad because without them I could have never started this journey. Three was for Sophie, because she is almost 3. Michelle was 4 and Emily 5. Heidi claimed 9 and Nicola 14. I chose 16 for Cindy and 19 was for Heidi’s “lil bean.” Sneaky lil Ada picked 21 and Brenda chose 23 (because 34 wasn’t an option – sorry darling, not running 8 more just to dedicate your number to you!) 26 was mine. All mine!

So I am running and speed walking (yes, silly looking speed walking) and running and walking. I had a number on the Garmin that I did not want to see, so if I got that slow I made myself run. I felt great! I was beyond ecstatic with my time for the first 15 miles. I was 2-3 minutes faster than my training pace and delighted. My friend Kevin was at the top of Bennett Hill cheering on the girls he had been training! He cheered for me too! Brenda started at the normal time and I had tried to do the math on when she would pass me. Her pace vs mine. Plus the head start. All the numbers made me dizzy so I started guessing. I finally got to see her right around mile 16. I had already hit the turnaround at Higgins Point and was making my way back towards town. She had made a big deal about texting each other every 5 miles. Said it was a mental thing for her on her first marathon to break it up into 5 mile increments. So I just went along with it and sent her a picture of each sign as I passed. I knew her boyfriend was going to be cheering for us at 20 miles. I was ready to see another familiar face! Then, at 19ish, I look up and there is the cutest little pregnant friend alongside the course. I haven’t seen her in years, but well, we Facebook. She cheered when she saw me! It was awesome! Then I saw the 20 mile sign and looked down the hill and saw Dan. Right where he said he’d be. Cheering! Yay! I turned the corner and there was my lil pregnant friend again. This time she walked out onto the course to high-five me! I loved it!

On I go. My left IT band started to ache. My pace had slowed. I was going about a minute per mile slower than I did the first 15. I wanted to go faster, but I was okay with this pace too. Making my way back down to Sanders beach and I turn the corner and see the biggest bright pink sign that has my name on it! At first I thought it was cool someone else in the race shared my name. Then I realized that sign was for me!! My darling friend Ada, who I also have not seen in years (but we Facebook), had come out to cheer me on! Her darling little girl was waving to me and little Asher Man, well he was hanging out in the stroller. I wanted to cry. Okay, I did. Then I was mad at myself for not taking a picture. I was too in shock! I almost turned around to go back for a picture. I kept going. Brenda finally passed me just a few minutes later. I asked if she saw the sign for me on the corner. “Oh, Ada, yeah I called her when you passed mile 15.” Yes, I cried again. They were in cahoots! Soooo this is why I had to check in every 5 miles. This is why Ada chose mile 21. My friends rock!

I continued on and around mile 23 my IT band was really hurting. I wanted to cry. Like I hadn’t done that already this race. My breathing was labored. I stopped at the city park to refill my water bottle and stretch my IT. I kept going. I wasn’t really enjoying this anymore. A marathon should only be 23 miles. I’m gonna start a petition! Then I started trying to talk myself down from this ledge of frustration. While I was awake in the night I had told myself that no matter how hard things got, I wasn’t allowed to hate any part of this race and so far I had done a really great job following my own rule. I had to point out to myself that while I hurt badly, my body was far from giving out on me. My labored breathing was just ridiculous. It was just some pain. I was really blowing things out of proportion. This kinda worked for me. I had slowed down quite a bit thought. Mile 24 went better. Mile 25 was my favorite. Sort of. See my Garmin told me I had hit each mile marker 4/10’s of a mile before I reached the official race sign. So the first time I reached 25 I was excited because I knew I was done. Even if I had to 911 my friends to carry me to the finish line, they would! Then I got to “their” 25 sign and was frustrated. When my Garmin hit 26.2 I wanted to sit on the pavement in protest. I’m done! Dammit, I can’t have my medal if I do that!

As I approached the last turn I see Michelle standing there with a sign “Run like you stole it.” I laughed! I got thru the finish line. Garmin said 26.65. There was Brenda! Big hug! I hadn’t even gotten my medal yet! I love you girl, but let me have my medal! Hehehe! My sister was right behind her. And Brenda’s Mom and her dog Sparky. And Dan of course. Then there was Nicola and Matt and Emily and Sophie. I immediately forgot all pains! I downed a bunch of water and in true celebratory style, we hit the beer garden! Home for the ice bath. It was colder than I remember. Then there were gifts! Michelle is getting me a race photo. If I don’t like any of me, she said I could pick one of anyone in the race. Hahaha! My sister got me the coolest medal hanger…

And Brenda had this made for me…

Okay, we’ve agreed the yellow is a bit much, but that was the bib color so I love it! She got a hold of the race director and they scanned a bib and sent it to her for the plaque. She went and picked up the medal in advance too. Totally ruined the surprise for her. She loves herself a medal. It’s part of the fun for her to see what they chose for the design. She ran 26.2 miles and didn’t get her surprise. I was in shock. I really love it!

I spent the afternoon with my sister and friends and just enjoyed every second of it. That evening I sat in Nicola’s back yard and watched her girls run around the back yard and cheered for them! It was the perfect day!

Today I am sore. I’m still smiling. I am so happy to have achieved this goal!

Will I do it again someday?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Something’s Gone missing …

Please be on the look out… for my legs… or more specifically for the muscles that comprise them… they were absent for class today!!

My, oh my, was that a rough run! I felt as though I was running on logs instead of legs the entire time. It was as though I didn’t have any muscles. Just logs. Not the heavy bricks-for-legs feeling that signifies dehydration. Logs. Except when I walked, then it seemed as though I had gummy legs with really big shoes. I kept envisioning Goofy, possibly a drunk Goofy, swinging his legs in front of him and plopping down his big feet. I don’t know why.

Weird. Rough. Done.

I alternated between frustration and hysterical laughter. I sang along with the music. Sometimes out loud. The highlight being around mile 16 when I thought I was all alone on the trail, singing loud and possibly off key and looked up and there was my friend. Oops!!

I had a ton of random thoughts while I was out there. Here is a sampling…

1 – I’m pretty sure I’m going to be the very last person in the marathon. You know the one that is followed by an emergency vehicle. I have a rule about being followed by the PoPo. It’s not allowed. Ever. I would hate to be followed by an Ambulance because I would be certain they were just itching for me to collapse. Therefore, I would like to be followed by firemen please. If anyone can make this happen, I’d be grateful.

2 – I loved being cheered on during my run! A couple of cyclists happened by at different points in my run and shouted my name! It was just cool!

3 – I reflected back to a 14 mile run where I suffered a very odd, very excruciating pain on the top of my foot. I woke the next morning and actually had a bruise. So bizarre. I told a friend, who told a friend, who told a friend, which resulted in an unexpected, very supportive phone call from a guy who runs like 700 miles a day. After sharing the incident with him, it turned out my shoe was tied too tight. Oops!

4 – People are so supportive. I always downgrade my successes by saying “well I walked a lot.” Turns out that really doesn’t matter to anyone but me. 20 miles impressive. Run. Walk. Whatever. It’s a long way.

5 – I am the only one who cares that I haven’t lost any weight during this training. Oddly I am the only reason I haven’t lost any weight during this training. Interesting. Very, very interesting.

6 – I stopped to take this picture. Just two little flowers hanging out in the pavement. Required getting the right angle so I wasn’t shadowing them. Oh and bending over. That hurts during a long run. A lot.

After I finally got the picture I wanted, I looked across the trail and there were thousands more. I just had to laugh!

7 – I love the support I get from those of you reading this! I blither on and on and on and you keep coming back for more! YOUR success stories motivate me! Keep ‘em coming!!

8 – I’m terrified I won’t make the finish line before they pack it up. Super terrified.

9 – I laugh that I keep saying I’m not going to sign up for anything more, then find myself committed to another event. It’s addicting.

10 – I’m really excited that my next “race” is totally different from anything else I have done! It’s a relay! I get to run 5 miles three times in a 30ish hour period. One run is guaranteed to be in the heat of the day and one in the black of night. Training for this race will be totally different!!

11 – I’m slightly bummed at the thought of not running Seattle this year. I can’t explain why, but Seattle has been my favorite race so far. With the trip to San Fran a month before for the Nike Women’s Half… it’s just a lot to cram into a short time, particularly money-wise.

12 – On my very last lap I had to stop and look at this…

Do you see him?

Here, let me zoom in…

The most determined dog ever. He had a goal and nothing was going to deter him. Not the really steep rough to the water. Not the swim out to the middle of the lake (or so it would seem to a dog). He was swift and determined. He got his prize. I shall be like the dog. Swift(ish) and determined. I want my medal!!

13 – I wonder what I will do with my Sunday mornings all summer. I mean without long runs… it’s almost a little sad to consider, actually.

14 – I have been beyond blessed with a wonderful training buddy. She pushes me and encourages me and tells me I’m being dumb when I am. She also credits me with motivating her, which blows my mind!

15 – I’m excited and scared and proud. I’m really looking forward to that finish line! Please, oh please don’t let them pack it up before I get there!!